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Track Machinery Provider

Avantgarde can provide refurbished premium track machinery customized to any specification at the most competitive prices in the industry.

Machines Provider

Service Provider Worldwide

Added demands on track maintenance machinery services and a drive for cost efficiency, led Avantgarde to pioneer a new and innovative service offering.


We have established a network providing high availability refurbishment services on Customer’s track maintenance machinery worldwide.

Service Provider

Repowering  and Modernization

Avantgarde offers repowering and modernization solutions on any kind of diesel electric locomotives and railway vehicles.

Modular Power PACKs are designed to fit on machinery frame and can be diesel gensets powered by modern and low emisison engines or hybrid with batteries or fuel cell to run on hydrogen.

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The modernization is made by the installation of new cabins having a design in accordance with safety and visibility standards and by the installation of a redundant control system with remote telemetry and diagnostics control.

Repowering + Modernization Goals

  • Recover of the existing vehicle;

  • Respect of environment;

  • Fuel and cost saving;

  • High reliability of the vehicle operations.

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Technology that perfectly fits 
any kind of machinery

From experience in the design and implementation of advanced tools, Avantgarde has developed innovative products that are capable to control safety and operational functions of the machines through reliable devices based on latest generation of PLC’s.



For monitoring and diagnostic control of machine traveling, safety and troubleshooting purposes.
Acts also as Event Recorder for data recording and storage
in accordance to EN standards 62625.

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For theoretical track geometry data input and measuring/recording of track geometry parameters. Acts in principle as guidance system of tamping machines and is:
● Easy and comprehensible.
● Multi language and multifunction.
● User friendly.
● Precise, accurate and extremely versatile.

Insurance Policy

Avantgarde is proud to propose to all our customers a seller's credit for the procurement of our products, guaranteed by the Italian Export Credit Agency - SACE.

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